Friday 15 February 2013

Children Sunday Liturgy

10 February 2013
Call to worship
Morning has gone and evening has come, the sun has set, yet we are here to praise and worship the Lord. Come let us all join together to praise and worship God, let us all worship with singing, dancing, laughter and all that we have to give to God our maker.
Procession (while music is being played the children will enter the chapel)
Asatoma sadgamaya
Tamasoma jyothirgamaya
Mrithyoma amrithamgamaya
Om Shanthi shanthi shanthi…
From Falsehood to truth
From darkness to light
From death to eternal life
Peace, peace, peace…
Opening Prayer
Dear Lord God, we come into your presence, asking you to teach us what you want us to learn today; we commit this service into your hands, be with us and guide us through out as we worship you in truth and in spirit, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Bhajan or a hymn could be sung

Let us thank God for being with always and helping us to worship in truth and in spirit
We thank you dear Lord
Let us thank God for giving us life, a life with purpose
We thank you dear Lord
Let us thank God for the whole of creation, especially for the trees, plants, animals, the sun, the moon, the stars and all that we see and also that which we can’t see
We thank you dear Lord
Let us thank God for the lives of our moms and dads, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, friends and neighbours.
We thank you dear Lord
Let us thank God for the United Theological College and her services to the church and society
We thank you dear Lord
Let us thank God for all the fun and laughter at the time of learning and singing in the Junior Bible Fellowship throughout the year
We thank you dear Lord

Action Song
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine (3)
Let it shine, let it shine, all the time

Hide it under a bush, Oh No!
I’m gonna let it shine (3)
Let it shine, let it shine all the time

Won’t let anyone blow it out, fooo
I’m gonna let it shine (3)
Let it shine, let it shine, all the time


All Children
O God, we humble ourselves and come to you as your loving children. We want to take this time to think about what we have been and what we have done with the gift of life that you have given to us. We realise that many times we did not obey our parents and elders, instead wanted to watch T.V. or kept playing, when we were asked to help or to study. We are sorry Lord for not obeying your word which you spoke through our parents and elders. Lord, you have given us good schools and colleges to study in, teachers to teach, friends to play with, but we often did not study and have brought disrespect to our teachers by not doing our home work and assignments and also by fighting with our friends and neighbours. Lord many times when our friends share that someone touched their body, we have teased them and put them to shame and made them to be silent, and told them not to tell the elders as they would punish them. We are sorry Lord for all the mistakes we have done.

Parents/ Elders
Gracious God we confess our shortcomings to you, we as mere human beings have failed to replicate your parenthood to our children. We have often pressurised our children to study harder so as to help them to have a bright future but we have not understood the feelings and emotions of the little ones. When our children did not do well, we as parents pushed hard on them, comparing with other children. Lord, we have often been insensitive to the cries of our little ones, we have treated them as “yet to be adults” who do not know the world, and needs to be conditioned, taught and monitored all the time. Pardon us Lord for we have been very ignorant especially when the children came to us to tell who did what to them, and snubbed them saying don’t speak like that about that person. Forgive us gracious God for being insensitive and instable in understanding the children who are your gift to us.

Lord you are gracious and merciful to forgive, pardon us lord, though we have gone away and broken our relationship with you. Amen.

Act of Forgiveness

Elders: Dear children, it is true that you have committed mistakes and have not been up to what you truly are, now that you have confessed, be sure that God will make us more stable and sensitive to what you go through. God has surely heard you and you have been forgiven of all the mistakes, for Christ Jesus died for us and forgave the mistakes of the world, from now on, your life shall be renewed and you shall live and grow as new beings in Christ.

Children: Dear parents you have been the best always, sometimes you do commit mistakes, but it’s ok, we still trust you. Like God forgave our mistakes, be sure that God has forgiven all your mistakes as well. Let us live a new life in Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life.

Bible Reading: Matt 6:24-31

Children’s Creed
We believe in children whose excitement and energy and creativity inspire us all to be more childlike in our lives and in our faith. We believe in teachers and in their call to nurture and educate our children. We believe in parents who wake up the kids, fix their meals, volunteer at the schools and help with the homework. We believe in friends, who are co-workers and neighbours who step in to help and encourage when the children are discouraged, parents are frustrated and teachers are weary. We believe in the God who created us all. We believe in our friend Christ Jesus who knows what it is to be ‘us’. We believe in the Holy Spirit who inspires us and gives us the strength to get up and do it all again each day. We believe in the church and the joy she brings to all human kind through her work. Amen. 

Our talk with God
Lord, the world around us tell us that we need to be the No. 1 in whatever we do, and be selfish and expects us to be stronger, higher and faster than our other friends and puts in us a careless attitude and teaches us, never to let anyone overtake us. We pray for the children of the world who go through these kinds of challenges that the society imposes on them.
Hear our prayer O Lord; hear our prayer (3). O Lord, Hear our prayer[1]
God, the world says we are “yet to be adults” and always fail to hear us when we want to share our problems and when we go through pain. Lord, you know that, we know only few words and we cannot talk like the elders do, make them understand our language and our cry when we try to explain to them O Lord.
Hear our prayer O Lord; hear our prayer (3). O Lord, Hear our prayer
O Lord, at this time we remember all the children who suffer in the hands of the many brutal elders who spoilt their tender bodies for their dirty pleasures. Lord, help the church, your body to shelter us and stop all the evil acts against the children and give us a safe place to live in, a place filled with your love, grace and care.
Hear our prayer O Lord; hear our prayer (3). O Lord, Hear our prayer
Lord you love the children very much and you only created us and gave us life and a purpose to live, give us the courage to face the world and its challenges so that we the leaders of tomorrow never let anything get in the way of the children of tomorrow.
Hear our prayer O Lord; hear our prayer (3). O Lord, Hear our prayer
Closing prayer
Loving God we thank you for being with us throughout the worship. Be with us and guide us as we live a new life renewed in you. Teach us to grow like the seed which germinates in such a busy network, so that our lives in our families are true and fruit-bearing. Let your light shine upon us and through us to all people so that the world will know you are Lord. This we pray in the name of our dear friend, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Lord’s Prayer (Sung)[2]
Our God, who dwells among us,
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come; your will be done
On earth as in heaven;
Give us today our daily bread
And forgive as we forgive,
Lead us not into any temptation,
Free us from all evil;
For yours is the kingdom,
Forever and ever Amen

Benediction (Sung)[3]
Bless us and teach us,
Lead us and guide us;
We are your children Lord; we are your children Lord.
 May your Grace, Love and Care; Grace, Love and Care, follow us all the days of our lives, Amen

Closing song
There is a candle in every soul
Some brightly burning some dark and cold
There is a spirit who brings the fire
Ignites a candle and makes his home

Carry your candle run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless confused and torn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle and go light your world

Frustrated brother see how he's tried to
Light his own candle some other way
See now our sister she's been robbed and lied to
And still holds a candle without a flame
Carry your candle run to the darkness
Seek out the lonely the tired and worn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle and go light your world

We are a family whose hearts are blazing
We raise our candles and light up the sky
Praying to our father in the name of Jesus
Make us a beacon in darkest hours

Carry your candle run to the darkness
Seek out the helpless deceived and poor
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle and go light your world

[1] Sung in the tune of Kum-ba-yah my lord; Kum-ba-yah
[2] Edited and set tune by Vinod Shemron. S.  JBF coordinator.
[3] Composed and set tune by Vinod Shemron. S.  JBF coordinator.

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